Saturday, May 1

Happy May day

Can't decide between these two photos. May 1 is opening day for boating here in Seattle. The Montlake cut is closed for the day as crew teams race from Lake Union to Lake Washington. Everyone with boats, forms a corridor on the east side of the cut, to view the team races and celebrate the day. Hence, the photo of me is on my friends yacht. If I had children, perhaps we would pick flowers and visit the neighbors, ringing and running and yelling, "Happy May Daaaaay!" Seems like the thing to do...although, I don't remember why. Well, here's a photo of the rose bush I purchased in memory of Mama. It's called a Margaret Merrill. I think it's so beautiful in all stages of bud, slightly opened and fully open. I'm pretty proud of this picture too. While living in Austria, there were many stories about the May Pole dance and pranks played on neighbor villages. Now those, those seemed like fun. Tradition. Where has it gone?

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